Market capitalization, or market cap, is the total value of a company’s outstanding shares of Stock. It is a common way to measure the size and overall value of a publicly traded company. Market cap is calculated using the following formula:
Market Capitalization = Share Price × Total Number of Outstanding Shares For example, if a company has 10 million shares outstanding, and its stock is trading at $50 per share, its market cap would be: Market Cap = 10,000,000 × 50 = $500,000,000 This means the company is valued at $500 million in the stock market. Types of Market Capitalization: Based on their market cap, companies are generally classified into several categories:
Why Market Capitalization Matters:
Market Capitalization vs. Stock Price: It’s important to note that market capitalization is different from a company's stock price. Stock price alone doesn’t reflect the total value of the company; it only tells you what each individual share is worth. Market cap, which takes into account the number of shares outstanding, gives a more complete picture of the company’s size and value. For example: