Below you will find an assortment of Forex Videos designed to help you learn the Forex market and to become a more knowledgeable trader. The more you know about the Forex market the better prepared you will be to make informed decisions.
TradeMentor - Chapter 1: Forex Trading
Tom Hougaard explains the basics of Forex trading, how Forex is used in global commerce and essential currency trading terms such as pips, spreads and leverage. Introduction Foreign exchange trading is not only the largest market in the world, with a daily turnover in excess of 3 trillion dollars. it is also the fastest growing traded market amongst private traders and speculators.We'll be looking briefly at the history of Forex, how it is used in the world of global commerce and tourism, but most importantly we want to show you how foreign exchange trading works, the terminology behind foreign exchange trading - but most importantly, how you go about placing your trades. TradeMentor - Chapter 2: CFD Trading
An introduction to CFDs (Contracts for Difference), a flexible way to trade stocks, indices and commodities. Tom Hougaard explains how margin works and walks you through trading CFDs in both rising and falling markets. TradeMentor - Chapter 3: Fundamental Analysis
Tom Hougaard discusses fundamental analysis and how it can be used in Forex trading. Learn which factors affect the currency markets and why it is important to keep ahead of economic developments. TradeMentor - Chapter 4: Fundamentals of Technical Analysis
The basics of technical analysis are explained by trader Tom Hougaard, including price action, volume and the various kinds of trends to watch for when trading Forex and Stocks. TradeMentor - Chapter 5: Candle Stick Charts
Tom Hougaard introduces Candle Stick charts and teaches you how to interpret Candle chart patterns in order to place more profitable trades in Forex, CFDs and Stocks. TradeMentor - Chapter 6: Principles of price behaviour
In this chapter, Tom Hougaard outlines what price trends are and how to apply these patterns in your Forex or stock trading strategies, whether you are an active trader or long term investor. |