Technical Analysis is a method used to evaluate and forecast the price movements of financial assets, such as stocks, bonds, commodities, or currencies, by analyzing historical price data and trading volume. It relies on the idea that market prices reflect all available information and tend to follow patterns that can be identified and leveraged for investment decisions.
Core Principles of Technical Analysis
Key Components of Technical Analysis
Advantages of Technical Analysis
Limitations of Technical Analysis
Who Uses Technical Analysis?
Technical analysis is most effective when used alongside other investment strategies, such as fundamental analysis, to create a well-rounded approach to market decision-making. Below you will find an assortment of videos designed to help you learn the advanced Technical Analysis and to become a more knowledgeable trader. Technical Analysis Course Part 1 - The Powerful Elephant Bar
Technical Analysis Course Part 2 - Putting The Odds In Your Favour
Technical Analysis Course Part 3 - The Powerful Bull And Bear 180
Technical Analysis Course Part 4 - The Moving Averages
Technical Analysis Course Part 5 - Trading Locations And States
Technical Analysis Course Part 6 - Trading Examples Going Long
Technical Analysis Course Part 7 - Trading Examples Going Short
Technical Analysis Course FINAL PART - Do You Have What It Takes To Become A Trader?