At Saxo, you can dive right in and trade CFDs from the same account you use for other trades and investments. Or learn more about their flexibility and other benefits in the Saxo Academy.
Tight spreads & DMA Access
While CFDs are more sophisticated than plain vanilla bonds or singe stocks, this doesn’t mean pricing can't be competitive, straightforward and transparent. This is combined with execution on a Direct Market Access (DMA) basis, where all orders are routed to regulated markets and other liquidity venues via smart order routing. Global Access
Saxo offers a broad range of CFDs, global reach and exposure to the most important markets, all via a single account and our trading platforms. Clients benefit from the liquidity of the underlying market in single stocks and ETFs. Cross-Device technology
CFDs are a fast-moving and leveraged investment instrument. To trade CFDs in the most efficient way, you need a platform that is available across all your devices. Allowing you to trade where and when you need to. 100:1 Leverage
Get the same market exposure as traditional stock trading but on less capital. Trade with up to 100:1 leverage and maximise your trading flexibility and opportunities.